18 research outputs found

    A Fast and Simple Contact Printing Approach to Generate 2D Protein Nanopatterns

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    Protein micropatterning has become an important tool for many biomedical applications as well as in academic research. Current techniques that allow to reduce the feature size of patterns below 1 ÎŒm are, however, often costly and require sophisticated equipment. We present here a straightforward and convenient method to generate highly condensed nanopatterns of proteins without the need for clean room facilities or expensive equipment. Our approach is based on nanocontact printing and allows for the fabrication of protein patterns with feature sizes of 80 nm and periodicities down to 140 nm. This was made possible by the use of the material X-poly(dimethylsiloxane) (X-PDMS) in a two-layer stamp layout for protein printing. In a proof of principle, different proteins at various scales were printed and the pattern quality was evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy

    Dense 4D nanoscale reconstruction of living brain tissue

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    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of living brain tissue down to an individual synapse level would create opportunities for decoding the dynamics and structure–function relationships of the brain’s complex and dense information processing network; however, this has been hindered by insufficient 3D resolution, inadequate signal-to-noise ratio and prohibitive light burden in optical imaging, whereas electron microscopy is inherently static. Here we solved these challenges by developing an integrated optical/machine-learning technology, LIONESS (live information-optimized nanoscopy enabling saturated segmentation). This leverages optical modifications to stimulated emission depletion microscopy in comprehensively, extracellularly labeled tissue and previous information on sample structure via machine learning to simultaneously achieve isotropic super-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio and compatibility with living tissue. This allows dense deep-learning-based instance segmentation and 3D reconstruction at a synapse level, incorporating molecular, activity and morphodynamic information. LIONESS opens up avenues for studying the dynamic functional (nano-)architecture of living brain tissue

    Spectrally resolved, three-dimensional widefield microscopy: in living zebrafish and fruit fly embryos

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    A major goal in biological imaging is to visualize interactions of different tissues, often fluorescently labeled, during dynamic processes. Only a few of these labels fit into the available spectral range without overlap, but can be separated computationally if the full spectrum of every single pixel is known. In medical imaging, hyperspectral techniques show promise to identify different tissue types without any staining. Yet, microscopists still commonly acquire spectral information either with filters, thus integrating over a few broad bands only, or point-wise, dispersing the spectra onto a multichannel detector, which is inherently slow. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) and optical projection tomography (OPT) are two techniques to acquire 3D microscopic data fast, photon-efficiently and gently on the specimen. LSFM works in fluorescence mode and OPT in transmission. Both are based on a fast widefield detection scheme where a 2D detector records the spatial information but leaves no room to acquire dispersed spectra. Hyperspectral imaging had not yet been demonstrated for either technique. In this work, I developed a line-scanning hyperspectral LSFM and an excitation scanning OPT to acquire 5D data (3D spatial, 1D temporal, 1D spectral) and optimized the performance of both setups to minimize acquisition times without sacrificing image contrast, spatial or spectral information. I implemented and assessed different evaluation pipelines to classify and unmix relevant features. I demonstrate the efficiency of my workflow by acquiring up to five fluorescent markers and the autofluorescence in \\zf and fruit fly embryos on my hyperspectral LSFM. I extracted both concentration maps and spectra for each of these fluorophores from the multidimensional data. The same methods were applied to investigate the transmission data from my spectral OPT, where I found evidence that OPT image formation is governed by refraction, whereas scattering and absorption only play a minor role. Furthermore, I have implemented a robust, educational LSFM on which laymen have explored the working principles of modern microscopies. This eduSPIM has been on display in the Technische Sammlungen Dresden for one year during the UNESCO international year of light.Ein wichtiges Ziel biologischer Bildgebung ist die Visualisierung des Zusammenspiels von verschiedenen, meist fluoreszent markierten, Geweben bei dynamischen Prozessen. Nur wenige dieser Farbstoffe passen ohne Überlapp in das zur VerfĂŒgung stehende Spektrum. Sie können jedoch rechnerisch getrennt werden, wenn das gesamte Spektrum jedes Pixels bekannt ist. In medizinischen Anwendungen versprechen hyperspektrale Techniken, verschiedene Gewebetypen markierungsfrei zu identifizieren. Dennoch ist es in der Mikroskopie noch immer ĂŒblich, spektrale Information entweder mit Filtern ĂŒber breiten BĂ€ndern zu integrieren, oder Punktspektren mithilfe von Dispersion zu trennen und auf einem Multikanaldetektor aufzunehmen, was inhĂ€rent langsam ist. Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) und Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) nehmen 3D Mikroskopiedaten schnell, photoneneffizient und sanft fĂŒr die Probe auf. LSFM arbeitet mit Fluoreszenz, OPT in Transmission. Beide basieren auf schneller Weitfelddetektion, wobei die rĂ€umliche Information mit einem 2D Detektor aufgenommen wird, der keinen Raum lĂ€sst, um die getrennten Spektren zu messen. Hyperspektrale Bildgebung wurde bis jetzt fĂŒr keine der zwei Techniken gezeigt. Ich habe ein hyperspektrales LSFM mit Linienabtastung und ein OPT mit WellenlĂ€ngenabtastung entwickelt, um 5D Daten (3D rĂ€umlich, 1D zeitlich, 1D spektral) aufzunehmen. Beide Aufbauten wurden hinsichtlich minimaler Aufnahmezeit optimiert, ohne dabei Kontrast, rĂ€umliche oder spektrale Auflösung zu opfern. Ich habe verschiedene AblĂ€ufe zum Klassifizieren und Trennen der Hauptkomponenten implementiert. Ich nehme bis zu fĂŒnf Fluorophore und Autofluoreszenz in Zebrafisch- und Fruchtfliegenembryos mit dem hyperspektralen LSFM auf und zeige die Effizienz des gesamten Ablaufes, indem ich Spektren und rĂ€umliche Verteilung aller Marker extrahiere. Die Transmissionsdaten des spektralen OPT werden mit denselben Methoden untersucht. Ich konnte belegen, dass die Bildformation im OPT massgeblich von Brechung bestimmt ist, und Streuung und Absorption nur einen geringen Beitrag leisten. Außerdem habe ich ein robustes, didaktisches LSFM gebaut, damit Laien die Funktionsweise moderner Mikroskopie erkunden können. Dieses eduSPIM war ein Jahr lang in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden ausgestellt

    Strategies to maximize performance in STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) nanoscopy of biological specimens

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    Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy has become an important catalyst for discovery in the life sciences. In STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscopy, a pattern of light drives fluorophores from a signal-emitting on-state to a non-signalling off-state. Only emitters residing in a sub-diffraction volume around an intensity minimum are allowed to fluoresce, rendering them distinguishable from the nearby, but dark fluorophores. STED routinely achieves resolution in the few tens of nanometers range in biological samples and is suitable for live imaging. Here, we review the working principle of STED and provide general guidelines for successful STED imaging. The strive for ever higher resolution comes at the cost of increased light burden. We discuss techniques to reduce light exposure and mitigate its detrimental effects on the specimen. These include specialized illumination strategies as well as protecting fluorophores from photobleaching mediated by high-intensity STED light. This opens up the prospect of volumetric imaging in living cells and tissues with diffraction-unlimited resolution in all three spatial dimensions

    Software Framework for Controlling Unsupervised Scientific Instruments

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    Science outreach and communication are gaining more and more importance for conveying the meaning of today’s research to the general public. Public exhibitions of scientific instruments can provide hands-on experience with technical advances and their applications in the life sciences. The software of such devices, however, is oftentimes not appropriate for this purpose. In this study, we describe a software framework and the necessary computer configuration that is well suited for exposing a complex self-built and software-controlled instrument such as a microscope to laymen under limited supervision, e.g. in museums or schools. We identify several aspects that must be met by such software, and we describe a design that can simultaneously be used to control either (i) a fully functional instrument in a robust and fail-safe manner, (ii) an instrument that has low-cost or only partially working hardware attached for illustration purposes or (iii) a completely virtual instrument without hardware attached. We describe how to assess the educational success of such a device, how to monitor its operation and how to facilitate its maintenance. The introduced concepts are illustrated using our software to control eduSPIM, a fluorescent light sheet microscope that we are currently exhibiting in a technical museum

    eduSPIM: Light Sheet Microscopy in the Museum

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    Light Sheet Microscopy in the Museum Light sheet microscopy (or selective plane illumination microscopy) is an important imaging technique in the life sciences. At the same time, this technique is also ideally suited for community outreach projects, because it produces visually appealing, highly dynamic images of living organisms and its working principle can be understood with basic optics knowledge. Still, the underlying concepts are widely unknown to the non-scientific public. On the occasion of the UNESCO International Year of Light, a technical museum in Dresden, Germany, launched a special, interactive exhibition. We built a fully functional, educational selective plane illumination microscope (eduSPIM) to demonstrate how developments in microscopy promote discoveries in biology. Design Principles of an Educational Light Sheet Microscope To maximize educational impact, we radically reduced a standard light sheet microscope to its essential components without compromising functionality and incorporated stringent safety concepts beyond those needed in the lab. Our eduSPIM system features one illumination and one detection path and a sealed sample chamber. We image fixed zebrafish embryos with fluorescent vasculature, because the structure is meaningful to laymen and visualises the optical principles of light sheet microscopy. Via a simplified interface, visitors acquire fluorescence and transmission data simultaneously. The eduSPIM Design Is Tailored Easily to Fit Numerous Applications The universal concepts presented here may also apply to other scientific approaches that are communicated to laymen in interactive settings. The specific eduSPIM design is adapted easily for various outreach and teaching activities. eduSPIM may even prove useful for labs needing a simple SPIM. A detailed parts list and schematics to rebuild eduSPIM are provided

    User interface.

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    <p>During normal operation, the user interface is clean and simple. The computer screen displays only a rendering of the acquired microscope data (centre), together with a small 3D model of the zebrafish sample indicating the current imaging plane (upper right). The data shown here were acquired during preview mode. The transmission image was rendered as an opaque surface in grey, overlaid with the fluorescence signal from the vasculature in green. A rendering of the data acquired in stack mode is shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0161671#pone.0161671.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>. A plate with seven buttons (lower right), connected to the control computer via an Arduino board, lets the visitors move the sample forward and backward, record a stack, manually switch the laser on or display a screen with additional information. For maintenance, e.g. when the sample is exchanged, we implemented an additional panel (left) to adjust numerous settings conveniently. This panel is hidden during normal operation and only displayed via a keyboard shortcut by an administrator.</p